Saturday, June 13, 2015

9 days

So I knew I'd never be able to keep up the lie.  I went to an NA meeting and confessed my relapse, though my family still doesn't know about it.  You'd thing that when I stop bragging about my sobriety they'd realize that I'd relapsed.  There's a lot of signs that I think they should pick up on, but they don't.  Anyways, I'm trapped in self pity and I was told to make a gratitude list so here I am. 

1. The air in my lungs
2. The food in my belly
3. My limited sobriety
4. Nicotine
5. The family pet
6. Sleep
7. My 90's pop station on Pandora
8. Caffeine
9. My Blog
10.  The only fan of my blog and Kiwi Princess, Jamie.

1 comment:

  1. 51 days in or 9 days in, the only day that matters is today.

    One day at a time is a really powerful thing if you stop to truly think about it. We don't have to think about tomorrow or next week or next year and what things will be like for us then. Literally all we have to do is make it through the next 24 hours and not use. Then we start again. You can do almost anything for 24 hours.

    And we do. We get up in the morning and ask whatever higher power we choose to believe in to help us not to use today, and at night when we get to bed we thank that power. And then we wake up and do it again.

    I'm honoured to make your list, and sorry I didn't read this til now. I've been doing my exams. I love you heaps, and I'm cheering you on all the way from freezing cold Dunedin.

    xx Jamie
